I played soccer from the age of 6 all the way until high school. I loved the sport and—not to brag—I was really good. I wasn't the fastest kid, but I had perseverance. I never gave up and loved to keep going. I was a high scoring half-back and a virtually impenetrable goalie. Seriously. My timing in net was excellent. But all of that changed once I entered High School. Suddenly, every kid was in shape but me. The goal posts were twice as big (or so they seemed), while I remained at only five foot six. I was a roly-poly hobbit of a kid who couldn't jump. And there ended my soccer career.
As for Bobby, he was my best friend in elementary school. And his last name wasn't Jansen. I don't think we ever played soccer together, but we hung out a lot. He was a fun kid with the biggest collection of movie monster models I've ever seen—and that was back in the 1970s. He had a very dark room filled wall to wall with everything from the Wolfman to Frankenstein to the Phantom of the Opera. It probably would have been disturbing to most people, he was only 8 or 9 around then, but it was incredibly awesome to me.
I wonder where he is now? Hopefully designing movie monsters like the late great Sam Winston.