The truth behind the spread: I am not 285 pounds. Nor am I over six feet tall. And last I checked, I am not actually a marshmallow. However, from about the age of 12, I was given the nickname "meatball" by my "friends." When seen with my brother Chris, we were both known as Meatball Sr. and Meatball Jr.
Yeah ... kids suck.
About the word "WORK" at the top of the second page: I told Chris (Mori—not my brother) I wanted the word to feel heavy, gray and oppressive—like a concrete weight you couldn't lift off of you. We went through numerous fonts to try and get the feel we were going for. But we were never happy with the ones we chose—until this one. Though it doesn't represent what I was originally trying to convey, I think it looks a thousand times better and, instead of weight oppression, it gives the impression of chaos and frustration instead.
I've also added the spread to the first post (at the bottom) for those who want to read them in order.
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